Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

A Reconstructed Story: Happily Ever After

It will not suffice it to be fair if I only post a single academic post which is more to educational English. Now, please enjoy my literary writing which was submitted as one of assignments in Exploring Prose subject (the other lovable class I have attended). The assignment required me to reconstruct a semi-poetic prose to become completely new in terms of its face validity (the contents were to be kept the same). Here is what it was, enjoy!

Happily Ever After
A Reconstructed Story adapted from ‘Girl’ written by Jamaica Kincaid
It was a story about a girl who managed to live her life happily ever after.  She wanted to live her life like anyone else, pursuing happiness and fulfilling it with everything she delighted. She wanted to cherish every moment with pleasure.

In the afternoon, she hurrily ran to her house after meeting the other girls she knew at school. She knew it would be a problem if she came back late. She took a deep breath before she entered her house.
“Where have you been?  I was in pain waiting for you to come home! And—oh—look at you, sweating like a dirty labor—let alone the umbrella you forgot to bring to school. The sun must have burned your skin into ash. Now go change and soak your worn-out clothes.”

Not even a word came out from the girl’s mouth. She could have defended herself, but she knew it would be useless. She just helplessly obeyed what her mother yelled at her.
Coming back in silence, the girl was aware that it was already the time for her and her mother to have a dinner. She prepared for it and looked forward to her mother’s coming down the staircase—slightly hoping she would not bring her anger to the table this time.

Her mother came with a latent face. The girl knew she was beautiful—they looked alike. Her mother would become what she would become in future time. Only this way, the girl could know her mother was kindhearted. They sat without sounds and had a thought concerning about each other at the same time. The mother glanced around her daughter—examining if she was physically and mentally fine.

“Don’t you dare doing the same mistake again.” The mother said as her fed herself with a spoon of Ravioli. She frowned. “This tastes bad. You must not serve food like this if a guest is having dinner with you—especially a man.”
“And that is not how you behave when serving a man. Apology must be uttered properly. This is as to why I don’t permit you to play with Tessie; she is a bad girl. She sings Benna at school and dresses like a slut I have always warned you against becoming.”
“But she is kind to me, and I never sing Benna at school, mom.”
“How is she kind if she is now pregnant? Not to mention she is not yet bounded in marriage.  If she were you, I would have aborted anything you had in your womb.”

Her Mother realized what she had just said was beyond rough. She could not help herself but say it because it  was all for the sake of her daughter. She was too afraid her little, innocent girl would end up being troubled at this time in which the world had slowly befriended the insanity. She would not survive if her daughter encountered the wrongs.

The girl started to squeeze her fingers in her fist and fully put her effort on not shading tears that were about to fall. She had a dispute with herself. She tried hard to acknowledge this talk as her mother’s being thoughtful—however the hatred and dissapointment were unavoidable. She pretended to lay her bangs down just to hide her tears.
“You must behave well. That way, the prince will sense your beauty and come to get you. If it’s not him, then just leave the man, he’s not worth it. Let it only be the prince. You want to live happily ever after, don’t you?”

It is a story about I who manage to live my life happily ever after.  I want to live my life like anyone else, pursuing happiness and fulfilling it with everything I delight. I want to cherish every moment with pleasure. But not like this.

The girl nodded.

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